Monday, 2 August 2010

The British Broadcasting Corporation, English Accents and English humour

I seem to be mostly squawking about England at the moment...

Anyway, I caught the BBC world news from the world service today. And I thought, did English people on the radio really talk like this? Do English people full stop talk like this? The fact that I mostly listened to radio 1 might be part of it, but I'm sure even the Today Programme wasn't that posh... maybe they put their distinctive accents on the World Service.

Anyway, I then listened to radio 1 and Matt Edmondson which sounded much more like I remember English people talking (even though I lived for years in Exeter and then went to University in Cambridge...) I also found it very amusing; obviously there is something in English 'humour' although I can't define what I mean.

I am however listening to radio 1 on "listen again" and keep forgetting the fact it's not actually happening right now (and that I'm in another country anyway) and thinking 'ooh i could text in with such and such...' Although the times I've sent a text into a radio show could be numbered on one hand of Bart Simpson.