Wednesday, 1 September 2010

I don't Belize it: Beer Pong, Barnacles, and Book worms

I feel this entry shouldn't go in the I-work-for-the-church page as it contains mention of Alcoholic Beverage, and indeed, consumption of alcoholic beverage. But in this respect I am not my father's daughter (my first words in Spanish, uttered the other week, were 'dos cervesas por favor') and therefore my Methodism/Christianity permits moderate such activity.


on my weekend down in Stann Creek I was introduced by some lovely new American friends to the concept of Beer Pong, which either my incredible good behaviour, or my choice of friends, or my Englishness has thus far sheltered me from. I won more than I lost, and I claim that the credit for this is fairly equally shared with my playing partner.

Post beer pong the four of us remaining went for a swim in the sea and attempted to clamber onto the dock. Alas the (lack of) upper body strength of myself and the other female present made this quite a struggle and (although she did manage it and I didn't) we both ended up with legs ripped up by barnacles . We tried to come up with a believable story to explain these cuts including being mauled by a jaguar which we wrestled to the ground with our bare hands... but for some reason, it wasn't very believable.

My other discovery of the week was to find bookworms (apparently a misnomer, but they were worms burrowing through a book) in an edition of Winnie the Pooh, which I had opened to recite in an English accent when my American friends were chatting about my accent (which they do a lot). I am rather sad they'd chosen this particular book, but the patterns they make are admirabe and rather aesthetically pleasing, so long as you can't see the worms themselves.