Monday 10 May 2010

a taste of England

Spent a weekend down in Stann Creek district, primarily to deliver a workshop on developing children and youth work (Maggie delivered it; I wrote things on paper). However, we took the opportunity for a spot of sight seeing. We were first given a tour around Dangriga, by two standard six students, one of whom could muster the most perfect Received Pronunciation accent, which we really should have recorded; I felt like I had a sat nav, only better!!!

We then popped down to Hopkins, a small village by the sea along an unpaved road, and spent a night there to give Maggie some time off and me some more sightseeing opportunity. It turned out it was 'English pub night', since its management was an English lady, so we had Fish and Chips and I had a can of Strongbow (I felt I couldn't pass by the chance of cider, however rubbish)! What with the election chat, it was a positively English evening. Except the lovely heat, the hot sea breeze and the pool...

On Sunday morning the English lady gave us a tour of the much more upmarket places next door, which were truly beautiful. She told me I now have the perfect location for my honeymoon; guess I just need a groom and some money, then...

The drive back took us through mountains, so I now have itchy feet for some walking!


  1. Caroline, you fill with me envy!!! The closest I get to natural beauty is a bit of scrub land near our house with a stream n ducks. My elderly friends don't go there coz they're scared of the gypsys!! I however, can't wait to befriend them but whenever I pass through I usually bright red and out of breath. I persuaded two of my housemates to start up early morning runs! I REALLY want to see photo. Even if they will turn me green. love you x

  2. Ha, I can't believe how many words I miss out when I type, oh well, u no what i mean.
